Synergies across the EU funding programmes managed by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

Synergies  event

În data de 20 iunie 2023, Agenția Executivă Europeană pentru Sănătate și domeniul Digital - HaDEA, organizează la Roma evenimentul "Sinergii între programele de finanțare ale UE gestionate de HaDEA", în colaborare cu rețelele Punctelor Naționale de Contact Horizon Europe pentru Cluster 1 (HNN 3) și Cluster 4 (COSMOS, IDEAL-IST, NCP4INDUSTRY) și rețeaua Punctelor Naționale EU4Health (JA NFP4Health). Evenimentul va fi găzduit de Institutul Național de Sănătate din Italia - ISS, Viale Regina Elena, 299, 00161 Roma.

The event is aiming at promoting the European Programmes implementated by HaDEA in order to stimulate synergic actions and cooperation among the Horizon Europe (Cluster 1 Health and Cluster 4 Digital Industry and Space) EU4Health and Digital Europe’s networks and the relevant Stakeholders at the european level.

Marina Zanchi – Director General HaDEA will introduce the sessions dedicated to the presentation of HaDEA’s role to implement actions that strengthen Europe in the domains of health, food safety, digital technologies and networks, industrial capacities and space.

In order to highlight the impact of the participation to the European processes, the second part will be dedicated to the presentation of practical examples of successful management of European projects in synergy with other programmes.

With a view of supporting the networking and cooperation activities among the National Contact Points/Focal Points and the external Stakeholders, the Programmes managed by HaDEA’s respective networks such as JA NFP4Health, HNN3.0, COSMOS, IDEAL-IST and NCP4INDUSTRY will be presented during the last session of the event.

The event will be organized in hybrid modality. However, participation in presence is strongly encouraged.

Concurrently, on the 19th June will be organized a closed workshop targetting the National Focal Points and the National Contact Points of the Programmes managed by HaDEA and their networks respectively (JA NFP4Health, HNN3.0, COSMOS IDEAL-IST, NCP4INDUSTRY.


Viale Regina Elena, 299, 00161 Roma
20/06/2023 -
Add to Calendar 2023-06-20 09:00:00 2023-06-20 18:00:00 Synergies across the EU funding programmes managed by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) Synergies across the EU funding programmes managed by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) Italy HORIZONEUROPE Europe/Chisinau public