
Programe de lucru


WP7 Dezvoltare digitală, industrie și spațiu 2023-2024

Progress in digital and industrial technologies, including in space, shape all sectors of the economy and society.

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WP ERC 2023

The fundamental activity of the ERC, via its main frontier research grants1, is to provide attractive, long-term funding to support excellent investigators and their research teams to pursue ground

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WP4 Health 2021-2022

To help repair the economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU Member States leaders have agreed on a Recovery Plan for Eu

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Research Infrastructure

WP3 Research Infrastructures 2021-2022

Research infrastructures (RIs), including the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and technology Infrastructures (TIs) are crucial enablers of research and technological innovation and drivers of m

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WP8 Climate energy and mobility 2021-2022

Activities of this work programme support the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals . By creating more jobs, accelerating

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Amet paratus velit. Facilisis melior plaga praesent ut uxor vindico volutpat ymo.

WP JRC 2021-2022

The European Green Deal aims to enable climate neutrality by 2050, focusing on adaptation, on protecting

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WP9 Food bioeconomy natural resources agriculture and environment 2021-2022

The Horizon Europe mandate for Cluster 6 is to provide opportunities to enhance and balance environmental, social and economic goals and to set human economic activities on a path towards sustainab

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Alte informații utile

NCP booklet

Are you a Horizon Europe applicant who needs some guidance? Horizon Europe's national contact points can help you

National Contact Points (NCPs) are an EU support structure that provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe to potential applicants and

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Organization registration, LEAR nomination

LEAR, Organization Registration

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