NGI Enrichers Transatlantic Fellowship Program 3rd round of calls is now open!!!

Funded by the European Commission, the Programme supports European NGI researchers and innovators willing to spend 3 to 6 months in US and Canada. The Programme provides selected fellows with travel funding, living allowance, and support through the process of getting their VISA.

Candidates may apply for one of the following tracks:

  • Paired Teams ⭢ applicants submit a proposal after previous agreement with an US or Canadian host organization, either a partner one or an external one.

  • Challenges ⭢ applicants submit a proposal in response to a specific challenge and within a specific research topic already defined by a partner host organization.

  • Open Ideas ⭢ applicants submit a proposal based on their own ideas, products or services, and select three preferred hosts from the list of partner host organizations.

Applicants can find general information on the fellowship programme on the European applicants – NGI Enrichers page. Deadline date: 10 May 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)
