Moldovan Office for Science and Technology (MOST) was created on October 22, 2012, by the Government Decision No. 790, following earlier association of the country to the 7th EU-Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), later to the EU Horizon 2020 Programme and in present to Horizon Europe. MOST is coordinated by the National Agency for Research and Development (NARD)*. 

The office is located in Brussels and has the main goal to contribute to the advancement of the cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union in the S&T area.   Following the recent developments, MOST is actively involved in informing national relevant authorities about the features of the Horizon Europe Programme, and also in fostering the necessary research and administrative capacities for the participation of Moldovan entities within HE calls of proposals.  

The services offered by MOST are open to a wide range of interested stakeholders, such as R&D institutes, universities, the business sector, NGOs, and central and regional public authorities.  

*NARD is a central administrative authority under the Government of the Republic of Moldova, founded by the Government Decision no.196 of 28.02.2018. NARD is the legal successor of rights and obligations of the Center of International Projects, Agency for Transfer Technology and Innovation, and Agency for Research and Development, public institutions under the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. NARD is responsible for the implementation of the research, innovation, and development of national policy, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe, and other European Programmes.



Official Representative 

April 2023- Current



the participation of Moldovan R&D organizations, as well as SMEs and relevant NGOs within European R&D programs
Moldovan scientific community within different institutional configurations, in accordance with an associated country to H2020 statute
research potential and scientific results of Moldovan scientists and innovators within the European Research Area
of relevant information, also through the national NCPs network, about open calls of proposals, rules of participation and submission guidelines
the participation of Moldovan R&D organizations and individual researchers within other initiatives launched under ERA
