European Partnerships bring the European Commission and private and/or public partners together to address additional challenges through concerted research and innovation initiatives, on top of the challenges addressed by Horizon Europe. They are a key implementation tool of Horizon Europe, and contribute significantly to achieving the EU’s political priorities.
By bringing private and public partners together, European Partnerships help to avoid the duplication of investments and contribute to reducing the fragmentation of the research and innovation landscape in the EU.
Find out more about European Partnerships in the Commission’s infographic.
Identifying partnerships
The Commission carried out impact assessments that helped identify the candidates for partnerships.
The portfolio of European Partnerships includes 49 candidates which have now been taken into the next step of preparations.
The partnership candidates are collected across 5 areas.
- Health
- Digital, industry and space
- Climate, energy and mobility
- Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment
- Partnerships across themes
Full details of candidates, draft proposal documents and contact details please see below.
The current list of candidate European Partnerships is found in Annex 7 of the Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.
Results from the structured consultation of EU countries are summarised in the report European Partnerships under Horizon Europe: results of the structured consultation of Member States.
Types of partnership
The Horizon Europe proposal lays down the conditions and principles for establishing European Partnerships. There are 3 types.
Co-programmed European Partnerships
These are partnerships between the Commission and private and/or public partners. They are based on memoranda of understanding and/or contractual arrangements.
Co-funded European Partnerships using a programme co-fund action
Partnerships involving EU countries, with research funders and other public authorities at the core of the consortium.
Institutionalised European Partnerships
These are partnerships where the EU participates in research and innovation funding programmes that are undertaken by EU countries.
These partnerships require legislative proposals from the Commission and are based on a Council Regulation (Article 187) or a Decision by the European Parliament and Council (Article 185). They are implemented by dedicated structures created for that purpose.
Institutionalised partnerships will only be implemented where other parts of the Horizon Europe programme, including other types of partnership, would not achieve the desired objectives or expected impacts.
Horizon Europe’s next generation European partnerships (PDF File)